I recently started a photo album on my Facebook page picturing women who I have been in awe of at some point or other in my life. Friends began to make suggestions of women to add and the album really took on a life of it's own. The only thing I asked is that British MPs who are still in the public focus, religious figures and members of the royal family not be suggested, this was because I didn't want the collection to turn into a fractious political or ethical debate. I have been quite overwhelmed by the positive comments I have received since the album started and am so pleased that people got into the spirit of it and have been giving their own suggestions.
Today, it was suggested that I turn the album into a blog... so here it is. I will slowly work through adding all of the women in the collection, there are already over a hundred so this may take some time. It isn't my intention to write a biography of the women featured, I doubt I would be able to but I would like to write my own thoughts on each.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed.
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