Barbara Jackson - 1936-2008
British Actress and Singer
Born in industrial Salford in the north of England, Barbara started performing in local amateur dramatics groups from an early age. She always longed for life as a professional entertainer and to travel. At the age of 21, after having been working as a machinist for a local mill, Barbara's talent on stage was finally spotted. She became a professional singer and actress and enjoyed a forty year career in show business.
Barbara travelled across the country in various shows. She also spent some time working in the U.S.A. in an Old Time Music Hall production. She made countless appearances on British television, including walking the cobbles of Coronation Street (which was not unlike the Salford streets of where she had grown-up). She also appeared at the London Palladium on more the one occasion, this was something she was immensely proud of.
Barbara Jackson was also my Great-Aunt.
She was a woman I always looked up to and admired. I, too, performed on stage from an early age, I was in the chorus line of my first pantomime at the age of five. I always wanted to be on stage, for that to be my career and I lapped up hearing stories of Aunty's adventures. I studied performing arts, much to the joy of Aunty (who had no children of her own), she lived in the Midlands
She became very ill in the mid-2000s. She had always been such a glamorous woman and to see her frail and infirm, and losing her faculties was incredibly distressing.
At her funeral in 2008, we, her family and friends gave her a fitting tribute by singing There's No Business Like Show Business, I think she would have loved that.
Barbara Jackson, Aunty, was a wonderful woman and one I spent so much of my life in awe of and inspired by... and I miss her very much.
Just watching an old video of Barbara in a music hall from the 80's, The biggest aspidistra in the world, sally etc. Thought I'd look her up,sorry it's too late to say hello, but nice to read your tribute.
Nigel Peever
Thanks so much for your comment. Aunty Barbara was a truly wonderful woman and greatly missed.