Saturday, 25 August 2012

India Knight - Wonderful Woman No. 125

India Knight - Born 1965
British Journalist and Author

Added to the album by Sarah, A Wonderful Woman

I love India Knight. Reading her articles and book you feel more like listening to the words of a big sister or trusted friend than a faceless journalist or author.

Of late, journalists in Britain have had something of a bad press, so it's refreshing and encouraging to see one nominated to the blog and given such praise from Sarah, my wonderful friend.

After studying Modern Languages at Cambridge, India Knight began a career in journalism. She writes a column for The Times, along with numerous other articles for newspapers and magazines. Her writing style is witty and full of charisma, often focusing on day-to-day topics that affect the average woman (or man) on the street, such as money management, dieting and marriage break-up, including documenting her own in The Observer magazine.

In addition to her work in journalism, India has written nine books to date, including works of both fiction and non-fiction and the children's book The Baby.

She is not afraid to call a spade a spade, which I find really refreshing. I think I would be lost without her!

Throughout the blog I have commented on how wonderful it is to have suggestions from different people of women who should be featured in this album and hearing why these women have touched the lives of others is interesting, thought-provoking and inspiring. India is no acception and is thoroughly deserving of her place as one of our Wonderful Women.

It's not unfeminist to go on a diet.
India Knight

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