Sunday, 29 April 2012

Nigella Lawson - Wonderful Woman No. 101

Nigella Lawson - Born 1960
British Cookery Writer, Television Personality and Business Woman

Added to the album by Sarah, A Wonderful Woman

Filth on a plate. Love her.
Lee, A Wonderful Man

Similarly to Courtney Love (Wonderful Woman No. 13), when Nigella's name was suggested as an addition to the Wonderful Woman album there was some protest to her inclusion.

The person who made the comment has since removed it from the internet, though she made some good points that were interesting to read. I think what is wonderful about all of the women in this album is that they have meant something to someone else. We are all influenced, inspired and in admiration of different people at different times in our lives. This album is really a celebration of those women who have been able to somehow positively impact on
someone else.

Her recipes are fantastic - I know my onions on that score. Plus, she's over 50 and looks like that! Bring on the butter!

Despite not being a trained chef, Nigella has published nine cook books to date, many of which have received literary awards in culinary categories. Since 2000, Nigella has appeared on television in the United Kingdom presenting cookery programmes. She has also appeared on television in Australia and America. Her presenting style is provocative and often comments are as much about her seductive presenting style as they are about her food.

In addition to her writing and television career, Nigella founded her own cookware range Living Kitchen which is hugely successful, with an estimated market value of £7 Million.

Though she has her critics, Nigella is a hard-working woman who has forged out success for herself. She is passionate about her business and works with her own style and panache, I'd say that qualifies her to be included here.

I'm not someone who's endlessly patient and wonderful.
Nigella Lawson

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