Björk - Born 1965
Icelandic Singer, Songwriter & Actress
Added to the album by a wonderful woman called Tara
Creative, unique and successful - These are the things I admire about Bjork most but add to that being a fabulous lyricist and singer, she sure seems pretty wonderful to me.
(Bjork is) more intelligent than most opera singers.
John Tavener, Composer
I remember hearing her for the first time in the 1990s. Her singing style divided opinion, my parents hated her, some of my friends did not understand her, I thought she was amazing. Her lyrics are intensely emotive, I love the quality of her voice and the different sounds she is able to create and I have loved many of her songs, most notable Big Time Sensuality, Violently Happy and Possibly Maybe. She is produced by other people I admire, she has collaborated with people I think are great. As an artist she has just got it right as far as I am concerned.
Often those that are individualistic
As well as a wonderful career in music, Bjork has flirted with a career in film. She has starred in four motion pictures and has also made cameos in a number of others, many of her films also featuring her music.
It was Björk's role in Dancer in the Dark that made me want to be an actor.
Gemma Arterton
What many people admire most about Bjork is her individual style, the way she creates an image, making herself a piece of living art. And also that she is damned feisty, remember when she knocked that photographer to the ground? Maybe we are not supposed to like it when people do that sort of thing but it did make me feel quite impressed by her.
Thank you Tara for another excellent suggestion.
You only live twice, one life for yourself and one for your dreams.
Often imitated but never equalled, Bjork a definite wonderful woman.
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